Jonah’s* fine and brittle hair had been steadily decreasing in density over the past two years. Not ready to lose his hair yet Jonah went online to find a solution. He found the Ashley and Martin website and put in an internet enquiry, wanting to make an appointment at his closest clinic.
Jonah told his consultant that he had been thinking about getting treatment for his hair loss for about 6 months as he considered 21 far too young to go bald. A genetic condition that not all the men in his family lived with, Jonah’s great grandfather and uncle had also lost their hair. And with this uncertain genetic factor present he decided that rather than try over the counter remedies in the hope they would work, he had come straight to Ashley and Martin. He didn’t want to take any chances and he knew Ashley and Martin had a proven track record in hair regrowth.
The consultant diagnosed Jonah with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III and recommended a RealGROWTH® program to treat his hair loss. Thinking about the alternative to treatment, Jonah decided to enrol straight away. He knew that waiting would just lead to more hair loss and decrease the chances of a full recovery.
Jonah quickly got in to the routine of taking his medications and attended his laser appointments regularly. Four months later he attended a progress check-up with his consultant. Looking at his original photos he agreed with his consultant’s assessment, the program was definitely working. The hair in his temples had begun to fill back in and the hair on his crown was much thicker. He could also feel a difference in the health of his hair. After only sixteen weeks Jonah’s hair was stronger, healthier and easier to manage and he was very pleased he had called Ashley and Martin.
*name changed for privacy reasons