Jason was only nineteen when he started noticing the first signs of hair loss. No one in his family had experienced this before, so it came as quite a surprise. Over four years, Jason saw his hair gradually thin. By the time he was 23, Jason was ready to act to make sure it did not progress any further. It was advertising on television that prompted him to call Ashley and Martin.
Jason told his consultant that he had tried treating his hair with over the counter remedies, but nothing had worked. After a scalp examination and taking some background information, Jason was given a diagnosis of male pattern hair loss, Norwood level II.
Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program was the perfect intervention strategy to halt Jason’s hair loss in its tracks and regrow what he had lost. The combination of laser therapy, herbal medication, specialised hygiene products and prescription medication would attack the root cause from every angle and work to reverse the damage. Concerned about the changes in his appearance and the way other people would see him, Jason signed up for a RealGROWTH® program on the spot and was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor at his earliest convenience. Before he left the office, Jason was provided with all the non-prescription products he needed for the entirety of his program.
Jason did not attend the clinic for his four month progress review, due to overseas work commitments, but after seven months on the program Jason sat with his consultant and had progress photos taken to assess the success of his treatment program. Not being overly diligent when it came to taking his medication, Jason was surprised by the excellent results he saw. Where his crown had been thinning, it was now lush and full. The minor recession in his temples had completely reversed and his hair was thicker and healthier all over. The strong presence his hair brought to his character had been saved.
*name changed to protect privacy