Ashley & Martin, the largest medical hair
clinic in the southern hemisphere

Case Study: Client encouraged by family to take the first step on the road to hair restoration

April 27th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized Comments Off on Case Study: Client encouraged by family to take the first step on the road to hair restoration

Leo* was sitting in the Ashley and Martin clinic for his four month progress review and was feeling very good about the results he had achieved so far. He had been encouraged to contact a hair loss treatment clinic by his family, who could see that the shedding on Leo’s scalp (particularly his frontal hair line) was getting worse. His pale scalp was clearly showing through his dark hair and had been slowly getting worse over a period of about eight years. Leo had been considering seeing a hair loss specialist for three of those eight years,  but it was this push from a family member that gave him the encouragement that he needed to finally book in that first appointment.

At the medical hair loss clinic, Leo spoke to the consultant about his options. He worked as a baker so kept odd hours and wanted to have a plan that could be easily managed around his daily life. His consultant examined his scalp and took photos of Leo’s head from all angles to use as a reference point for future review photos. The consultant recommended a multifaceted approach using the Ashley and Martin 12 month RealGROWTH® program and was confident that Leo would see some good results. This tailored combination of hair restoration medications included DHT inhibitors (to halt the shedding) and supplements and shampoos to encourage a healthy scalp so that Leo could start re-growing new, thicker strands of his own hair.

After just 16 weeks, this tailored, multifaceted approach was working very well. The baldness across his frontal hair line was dissipating and dark strands of dense hair were growing back were previously there had only be sparse thin strands. The DHT inhibitors had worked to prevent Leo’s hair follicles from shrinking and becoming dormant and the supplemental medications were encouraging and nurturing that new growth.

Sitting there, at his first review, Leo admitted he’d still like to see more hair re-growth in the front but he was only four months in and, based on his current rate of re-growth, he was pretty excited to see what his hair would look like at his next review.

*name changed to protect privacy.