Ashley & Martin, the largest medical hair
clinic in the southern hemisphere

Case Study: Medical Hair Treatment Assists Male Patient

September 29th, 2015 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Hair Loss Blog Comments Off on Case Study: Medical Hair Treatment Assists Male Patient

A 27 year old male presented to the clinic early December 2014 with no previous treatment for hair loss and was greatly concerned he would lose all his hair if he did not take control of the situation.

Client is in good health with no past or active medical problems which could contribute to loss. Client’s family history shows many of the male members on both sides of the family experiencing hair loss with various levels of aggressiveness.

Diagnosis is male pattern boldness, Norwood stage 3 Vertex due to the clear visible thinning from the hairline though to the crown leaving the back and sides intact consistent with MPB. Due to the amount of visible hair showing cells are still active in the area treatment is considered greatly viable.

After a full consultation discussing all available options and an in clinic specialist visit client decided to move forward by starting on an Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH® medical program in late December 2014.



2108-JCAt the four month check-up the client advised he had been using the products as prescribed and found it easy to do so leading to great visible improvement.