Ashley & Martin, the largest medical hair
clinic in the southern hemisphere

Case Study: Thicker, Healthier Hair Achieved with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program

July 12th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Hair Loss Blog Comments Off on Case Study: Thicker, Healthier Hair Achieved with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program

Tony’s* friend had come to Ashley and Martin to treat his hair when it had begun falling out several years ago.  When he noticed Tony was struggling with the same problem he suggested Tony give us a call as it had worked so well for him.  At only 28 Tony had been losing his hair for two years; for at least half of that time he had been considering seeking medical treatment.  Being unsure where to start he had never used any remedies from the chemist to treat his hair or looked into hair loss companies.  With direction from his friend, Tony had a place to start now.   He went online to find out more information about the company and submitted an online request for a call back from a representative.

At his initial consultation Tony told his consultant that both his father and grandfather were bald and he was worried the same would happen to him.  He was conscious of his image and balding was not how he saw himself.  However, it was how everyone else saw him.  His consultant told him that the good news was he believed he could help Tony.  It was explained to Tony how the RealGROWTH® program would be able to treat his type III vertex hair loss.  With consistent use of the individual components of the program his hair’s natural growth cycle would be restored.  Tony was excited to know he could get help and signed up for a program before leaving the office.

After his first set of progress photos Tony was thrilled with the results.  His hair was thicker and the specialised shampoos he had been given with his program had fixed his greasy hair giving it a healthy, natural sheen.  Tony couldn’t believe the results he had gained in just sixteen weeks and was looking forward to seeing further progression at his next progress check-up.






*name changed to protect privacy