Experiencing moderate hair loss to his forehead and crown, Bruce* decided to come to Ashley and Martin for help. Bruce’s father, uncle and grandfathers had all lost their hair to varying degrees and a year after Bruce noticed his hair falling out he made the choice to find out what could be done to keep his. The nature of his work had him standing in front of people on regular basis and he felt that intervention would help keep his image positive.
His consultant told him he had only progressed to a level II on the Norwood hair loss scale, giving him a good chance of success using a medical intervention program. The program was explained to him in detail and all of his questions answered. Wanting to further research and consider his options, Bruce went home without signing up for treatment.
It took three months for Bruce to think about the information he had been given. After doing all his research and assessing how important it was to him to keep his hair, Bruce called the clinic to make an appointment with his consultant and doctor. He was prescribed oral anti-androgens and a topical solution to be used nightly; he was also provided with specialised hair cleansing products and herbal supplements.
Bruce came in to the clinic for regular Low Level Laser treatments and at his four month progress check-up he was able to see the preliminary results of the intervention. Initially Bruce had told his consultant that he had come to Ashley and Martin as he wanted to grow his lost hair back. Now looking at his progress photos in comparison to the ones taken at his first appointment, he could see that his hair had become much thicker and his receding parietal ridge had begun to move forward. The hair on his crown was responding slowly, but it still had room for improvement. The consultant suggested he make sure he focused on this area when applying his RealGROWTH® solution at night. Bruce went home confident that his treatment plan was working.
*name changed to protect privacy