Ashley & Martin, the largest medical hair
clinic in the southern hemisphere

Archive for the ‘ Hair Loss Blog ’ Category

Case Study: Male Pattern Hair Loss a Thing of the Past After Client Uses Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

An effective treatment plan without prohibitive long term costs is what Ryan* was looking for when he came to Ashley and Martin.  Bald for as long as he could remember, his maternal grandfather was the image he conjured up whenever he thought of his own future.  Ryan loved his grandfather, but at 31 years old he was not ready to look like him.  He had tried using vitamin complexes designed to promote healthy hair, skin and nails without success.  His hairdresser had given him a shampoo designed to stop his hair falling out. This too yielded no results.  Five years after it had all started, Ryan called Ashley and Martin wanting to keep his own hair permanently.

In good health with no known underlying medical conditions that could be impacting his hair’s natural growth cycle, Ryan was offered a RealGROWTH® treatment program.  This program would, stop the excessive shedding Ryan was experiencing and begin to regrow his hair.  The consultant considered sixteen weeks a reasonable timeframe to see early, visible results of the treatment.  Long term treatment of his hair was discussed.  Ryan was pleasantly surprised by the long term affordability of the program.  His desire to reverse the damage piqued, Ryan signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.

Using laser therapy to support the medications he was taking to treat his hair loss, Ryan attended the clinic fortnightly for treatment.  Occasionally it was difficult for Ryan to attend appointments due to travel commitments for work.  However, the clinic’s extended opening hours afforded him the flexibility he needed to make it work.  The ease of use of his products meant he did not have to skip treatment while away and risk the results he was hoping to achieve.  After ten weeks on the program Ryan spoke to his consultant to let him know he was able to see the changes taking place; it was very exciting to see this so soon.  But it was at the sixteen week Ashley and Martin Review that tangible results were most obvious.  Ryan’s Norwood IV Male Pattern Hair Loss was a thing of the past.  The greater density he had achieved with treatment had filled in the balding patch he had previously developed.  Both Ryan and his partner were delighted with the reparation his RealGROWTH® program had delivered.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Excited by ‘Complete Turnaround’ in Only Sixteen Weeks with Ashley and Martin

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

Sam* had heard about Ashley and Martin through a friend.  His hair was already exceptionally thin at 23 years old and although he naturally had an outgoing personality, his hair loss was affecting his confidence.  A year and a half ago he had bleached his hair and was now concerned that this had led to the rapid onset of shedding he was experiencing.

Attending his appointment with a friend who was also losing his hair, Sam’s moderately advanced thinning in the crown and vortex was placed at a level II on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale.  The consultant suggested a RealGROWTH® program would be his best option to regrow his lost hair.  Unsure if he was ready to go ahead with treatment, Sam went home and thought it over for two weeks before enrolling on his treatment plan.

Knowing his consultant and the clinic doctor were there for him at all stages throughout his program Sam booked a check-up with them both six weeks after he started using his prescription medications.  His concerns that his program would not work as he was unable to attend the clinic for regular Low Level Laser Therapy treatments were discussed with the doctor and the consultant.  His fears were alleviated after the consultant and doctor took the time to explain the hair’s natural growth cycle and the time frame in which he was likely to see visible results.  The consultant took another set of photos for Sam to track his progress and encouraged him to come back to discuss any further concerns with her.

After another ten weeks had passed, Sam was contacted by the clinic to come in and have his first scheduled Ashley and Martin Review with his consultant.  She took a third set of photos for Sam to look at in comparison to the first.  Sam told his consultant that as he had started seeing his hair grow back he was gradually starting to feel better within himself.  Upon seeing these he was extremely happy with what he was looking at.  His once thin, unmanageable hair had become thick and full of life.  He was so excited by the complete turnaround in only sixteen weeks that he asked for his before and after photos to be emailed to him to show his friend.






*name changed to protect privacy.

Case Study: Client Looking Forward to Further Regrowth with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Bhavin* had been noticing his hair disappearing steadily for two years. In recent months the loss had become more excessive and he began to consider the option of seeking medical intervention.  While researching his options on the internet Bhavin came across the Ashley and Martin website.  He discussed the idea of speaking to Ashley and Martin with a family member who encouraged him to come in to see what we could do for him.  After thinking his options over he decided that rather than try over the counter remedies that may not work, he would go straight to the experts in the field for help.

With a strong genetic predisposition to Male Pattern Baldness, Bhavin came to his initial consultation unsure if there was a treatment available that could help him.  He told his consultant that his father, uncle and grandfather had all gone bald and he was surprised it had taken until his late 30’s for his own hair to start to rapidly disappear.  The consultant did a scalp examination and took some photos of Bhavin’s hair loss.  These would be used for comparison purposes.  If he chose to go ahead with treatment it would serve to give a realistic assessment of the success of his program.  If he decided against treatment straight away he would be able to return to see his consultant at any time for another appointment free of charge to assess how rapidly his hair loss was advancing.

After finding out everything he wanted to know about treatment and projected results for his individual situation Bhavin decided to sign up for a RealGROWTH® program.  He was booked in to see an Ashley and Martin doctor to have a check-up and get his medications prescribed, given his non-prescription items to take home with him that day and the first of his fortnightly Low Level Laser Therapy treatments arranged.

Four months later a second set of photos were taken by his consultant to compare to the first.  Bhavin could see the definite improvement in his hair and told his consultant he was anxious to get further results.  He was reassured that it was still early days and his regrowth was likely to continue.  Bahvin is continuing on his program and looking forward to seeing his progress photos at his eight month Ashley and Martin Review.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s Comprehensive Program Gives Young Man Hope

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

When Aarush* first started to lose his hair he did the only thing he knew how to do. He went to the chemist to find a medical solution to his problem. After using the over the counter product he had chosen for almost a year he knew it was not working for him. His hair continued to thin through the entire process.

At only 24 years old Aarush knew there must be a better way to deal with this problem and asked advice of his friends. A friend who knew someone who had experienced a similar situation recommended Ashley and Martin to him. Aarush went online to check out the company as his friend spoke highly of the service and that evening he submitted an online request for a call back.

Aarush told his consultant that all the men on his father’s side of the family were bald. Cousins, uncles, his father and grandfather, every man in his family had lost their hair. He knew it was inevitable that it would happen to him if he did not stop it now. The consultant diagnosed Aarush with Male Pattern Hair Loss and placed him at a level IIa on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale.

Wanting to beat the strong family predisposition to balding, Aarush enrolled on the RealGROWTH® program his consultant offered him before he left the office.  His comprehensive program of prescription medications, dietary supplements and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) treatments gave Aarush hope that he would be able to keep his hair.

After watching his hair disappear for the last year, Aarush was determined to get the best results possible from his program.  He attended his LLLT sessions fortnightly and was diligent in adhering to the treatment plan the clinic doctor had given him.

His diligence paid off.  After arresting the excessive hair fall, his RealGROWTH® program worked to restore the normal hair growth cycle.  By the time Aarush had his second set of photos taken six months after the first, he was beyond happy with the results of his treatment.






*name change to protect privacy

Case Study: Thicker, Healthier Hair Achieved with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Program

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Tony’s* friend had come to Ashley and Martin to treat his hair when it had begun falling out several years ago.  When he noticed Tony was struggling with the same problem he suggested Tony give us a call as it had worked so well for him.  At only 28 Tony had been losing his hair for two years; for at least half of that time he had been considering seeking medical treatment.  Being unsure where to start he had never used any remedies from the chemist to treat his hair or looked into hair loss companies.  With direction from his friend, Tony had a place to start now.   He went online to find out more information about the company and submitted an online request for a call back from a representative.

At his initial consultation Tony told his consultant that both his father and grandfather were bald and he was worried the same would happen to him.  He was conscious of his image and balding was not how he saw himself.  However, it was how everyone else saw him.  His consultant told him that the good news was he believed he could help Tony.  It was explained to Tony how the RealGROWTH® program would be able to treat his type III vertex hair loss.  With consistent use of the individual components of the program his hair’s natural growth cycle would be restored.  Tony was excited to know he could get help and signed up for a program before leaving the office.

After his first set of progress photos Tony was thrilled with the results.  His hair was thicker and the specialised shampoos he had been given with his program had fixed his greasy hair giving it a healthy, natural sheen.  Tony couldn’t believe the results he had gained in just sixteen weeks and was looking forward to seeing further progression at his next progress check-up.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Restores Hair as Quickly as it Disappeared

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Martha’s* hair was rapidly thinning.  In less than twelve short weeks she had gone from having full, thick hair to large patches of exposed scalp at her crown and part line.  Concerned about the rate of shedding and how old her thin hair was making her look, 75 year old Martha called Ashley and Martin.

Her consultant enquired about Martha’s circumstances and she confided that she was under a lot of stress and had been quite ill recently.  The consultant explained to her that it is quite common for women experiencing just one of these issues to experience hair loss.  The combination of the two plus her age were all contributing to the disruption to her hair’s natural growth cycle.  He went on to give her the good news that he believed with vitamin supplements and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) treatments they would be able to restore her hair.  However, before signing her up for treatment he wanted to be sure that there were no other complicating factors.  The hair can be a powerful indicator of the body’s health.

Martha visited the clinic doctor free of charge to have a check-up and discuss the recommended treatment option given to her.  She was given blood tests and with support from the clinic doctor Martha purchased an in home Lasercap device.  To compliment this therapy she was also given a vitamin supplement formulated by Ashley and Martin to maintain and promote healthy hair growth.

Using the LLLT cap at home proved to be very easy for Martha to manage and taking her Hair Nutrient Complex fit in nicely with her already established medication routine.   As quickly as her hair had disappeared, it began to regrow and five months after she first set foot in her consultant’s office Martha was thrilled to find her hair had been restored to its former healthy state.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Impressed with Amount of Regrowth After Coming to Ashley and Martin

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Christopher* had always known it was likely he would lose his hair.  His father was bald and had good-naturedly warned him it would happen to him too one day.  At 27 Christopher wasn’t ready yet to embrace his hair loss as his father had.  After only two weeks of consideration, Christopher picked up his phone and called Ashley and Martin to make an appointment.

The consultant had a conversation with him about his hair loss.  Christopher said he felt too young to be losing his hair.  It had been falling out slowly for about two years and now that it was noticeable to other people he wanted to do something about it.  Christopher felt his hair was becoming more fine and brittle as well as thinning considerably on the crown.  The consultant did a scalp examination and after discussing medical history and lifestyle factors such as smoking and stress that might impact Christopher’s hair loss, diagnosed him with Norwood stage III Male Pattern Hair Loss.

His thinning crown was Christopher’s main concern and the consultant explained to him the treatment options that would have a positive impact on his hair growth cycle.  Christopher opted to purchase an in home Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) device and a RealGROWTH® medications program.

His active lifestyle and nightlife left Christopher with less time than he had expected to use his Laser Cap.  He became lax with his LLLT treatments however he was consistent with his medications program.  Four months after starting his treatment, Christopher came in to see his consultant again.  Looking at his comparison photos side by side Christopher was very impressed with the amount of hair he had been able to regrow in only sixteen weeks.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Progress Check Up Boosts Confidence in Treatment for Ashley and Martin Client

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Experiencing moderate hair loss to his forehead and crown, Bruce* decided to come to Ashley and Martin for help.  Bruce’s father, uncle and grandfathers had all lost their hair to varying degrees and a year after Bruce noticed his hair falling out he made the choice to find out what could be done to keep his.  The nature of his work had him standing in front of people on regular basis and he felt that intervention would help keep his image positive.

His consultant told him he had only progressed to a level II on the Norwood hair loss scale, giving him a good chance of success using a medical intervention program.  The program was explained to him in detail and all of his questions answered.  Wanting to further research and consider his options, Bruce went home without signing up for treatment.

It took three months for Bruce to think about the information he had been given.  After doing all his research and assessing how important it was to him to keep his hair, Bruce called the clinic to make an appointment with his consultant and doctor.  He was prescribed oral anti-androgens and a topical solution to be used nightly; he was also provided with specialised hair cleansing products and herbal supplements.

Bruce came in to the clinic for regular Low Level Laser treatments and at his four month progress check-up he was able to see the preliminary results of the intervention.  Initially Bruce had told his consultant that he had come to Ashley and Martin as he wanted to grow his lost hair back.  Now looking at his progress photos in comparison to the ones taken at his first appointment, he could see that his hair had become much thicker and his receding parietal ridge had begun to move forward.   The hair on his crown was responding slowly, but it still had room for improvement.  The consultant suggested he make sure he focused on this area when applying his RealGROWTH® solution at night.  Bruce went home confident that his treatment plan was working.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Side Effect Free Treatment Achieved with Ashley and Martin Medications

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Brad* had learned of how Ashley and Martin could help people in his position both on the TV and online.  Already 42 years old, the young at heart outdoorsman was not ready to sport the bald patch that was developing on his crown.  It had been three years since Brad had first started wanting to improve his hair and now he knew where to get help he called Ashley and Martin for an appointment.

His consultant could see that Brad’s hair loss was quite advanced in the frontal region, his temples were receding and his hair line had moved back significantly.  In addition to the substantial loss on his crown she knew he had been losing his hair over a considerable amount of time.  She asked him how long he had been losing his hair and spoke to him about other treatments he had had success with in the past.  Brad’s hair loss had been progressing gradually over the past decade and he had been attending a non-medical hair loss clinic until they had gone out of business recently.  At this time he had stopped treating his hair and he lost some of the results he had gained.  The consultant felt there was room for further improvement in Brad’s hair using a medical treatment.  She showed him how adding in prescription medications to his hair management routine could produce extra regrowth.

Concerned that one of the medications being offered would have side effects that would negatively affect his depression Brad signed up for a reduced program straight away.   Wanting to regain the hair he had lost a second time, Brad was faithful in attending weekly Low Level Laser Therapy sessions as well as taking his medication.

After four months Brad was feeling good about the hair he had regrown.  After eight months he was ready to try the medication he had initially turned down having discussed it with his own GP.  The addition of the new medication boosted Brad’s results and did not have the adverse effect on his mental health as he had feared.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s Treatment Leads to Undeniable Results

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

Paul’s* hair had been steadily falling out for the last 2 years.  His temples had receded substantially and he was developing a sizable area on his crown that had a very sparse coverage of hair. A year and a half after beginning to notice his hair fall out, Paul contacted Ashley and Martin.

Paul’s grandfather and uncle had both lost their hair and Paul had assumed that losing his hair was in his genes.  The consultant asked Paul about hair loss in his family, and then surprised him by discussing lifestyle choices.  The stress associated with working in a high pressure job was something Paul had not considered could exacerbate his genetic condition.  The stress in addition with his smoking were both factors contributing to the rate of Paul’s hair loss.  The consultant diagnosed Paul with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex.  Photos were taken of Paul’s hair loss for future comparison purposes.  If Paul chose to go ahead with treatment he would be able to view post treatment photos against these to assess if the treatment was working well.  If he chose not to go ahead with treatment he would be able to come back for another free appointment to assess the rate at which he was losing his hair.

The consultant explained the hair loss cycle to Paul, pointing out the role of Dihydrotestosterone in genetic hair loss.  He also explained in detail the way the proposed treatment plan would combat his condition leading to a slowing and eventual halt in hair fall and the regrowth of the hair Paul had already lost.  Paul had come in concerned about the way his hair loss had changed his appearance and after speaking to his consultant he could see a way to reverse the damage.

Paul signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.   He took his medication as directed and attended the clinic for regular Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) treatments.  Sixteen weeks later, while in the clinic for his LLLT treatment, Paul saw his consultant for a progress check-up.  There was no denying the success of his program when looking at his earlier photos compared to the new ones.  Paul was extremely happy with the early results of his RealGROWTH® program.






*name changed for privacy reasons