Ashley & Martin, the largest medical hair
clinic in the southern hemisphere

Archive for the ‘ Hair Loss Blog ’ Category

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Client Receives Compliments From Friends and Family

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Kaarle* had been receiving compliments from his friends and family on how good his hair was looking now. For the past four months he had been treating his Male Pattern Hair Loss with a medical hair regrowth treatment program he had been prescribed at Ashley and Martin. He was extremely happy with the results so far and it was exciting to think that he was not at the end of his treatment program yet. At his first Ashley and Martin Review he was able to see just how fast his hair was regrowing. Photos had been taken at his initial appointment before he started treatment for him to compare his progress to along the way. During this first progress review he had been delighted by the surge in hair density he could see. Kaarle had already noticed a vast decrease in hair fall on a daily basis. He was now shedding the small, natural amount of hair he had done before his hair loss had started.

Before he had come to Ashley and Martin, Kaarle was feeling a little insecure about his hair and felt that at 28 he was too young to be going bald. He had heard good things about Ashley and Martin from a friend who was already a client. Knowing someone who was already experiencing good results using the treatment helped Kaarle to feel confident in walking in to his closest Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic to book an appointment.

The rest had been history. The time between his first appointment and progress review had passed smoothly. He had experienced no adverse reactions to any of the medications and the topical had been easy to apply each night. He had, in the past, tried using over the counter remedies; however his Ashley and Martin treatment had been so much more effective for him. The chemist bought hair loss products had not stopped his hair from decreasing in density, but his Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH® program had reversed the genetic hair loss he had inherited from his father.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Help Client Regrow Hair After Sixteen Years of Loss

Thursday, December 29th, 2016

Forty-five year old Travis had watched his hair disappear over the past sixteen years; but in the last few years it had begun to shed faster than ever before. He had tried treating his hair loss with over the counter topical solutions he had bought at the chemist. But they were not working for him. A friend of his recommended he give Ashley and Martin try.

After meeting with his Ashley and Martin consultant he found out that the testosterone boosters he had been using on and off for years had not been helping his situation. These chemist bought supplements had contributed to the genetically inherited hair loss passed down to himself and his brother by their father.

His consultant was concerned that due to the length of time he had been losing his hair and the severity of the loss, there were few viable hair follicles in Travis’ temporal region capable of regenerating. No medical treatment could regrow hair where the follicles had died. She explained to Travis that if he were to try medical intervention for his genetic condition, he could expect to see improvement through the middle vortex area but limited results in his temples.

Travis’ hair loss was, in part, feeding into the way he felt about himself. He decided it could only be a good thing to find out just how much hair regrowth he could achieve with the treatment plan his consultant proposed.

Attending his laser therapy appointments diligently and taking his medication as directed, Travis’ hair stopped shedding at an alarming rate and began to increase in density.

At his four month Ashley and Martin Review, Travis told his consultant that he was not only delighted with the results he was seeing, but that the program was so easy to follow. Comparing the way his hair looked when he first started the program to now, he was pleased to see that the hair in his temples had responded better than either he or his consultant had expected. Even his daughter had noticed and commented on how much better his hair was looking already.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Seventeen Year Hair Loss Addressed by Ashley and Martin After Other Medication Fails

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

It had been seventeen years since Sunil had noticed the first changes to his hair line. After a period of excessive loss Sunil had tried treating his hair with medication he had been given by his doctor. He had taken this medication for three years but at the end of it, he had not regrown his hair as he was hoping. It had taken a year of consideration but now, after twelve months without any medication, he was ready to find out what Ashley and Martin could offer. The thirty-five year old had heard about Ashley and Martin on the internet and decided to use our online enquiry system in order to contact us for an appointment.

Years ago, when his hair loss had first started, Sunil had only been losing hair around his frontal hair line. However, in recent years his hair had started to thin from the crown, moving forward to his original loss. In examining Sunil’s Norwood Scale level III vertex loss, his consultant could see that the pattern of loss was consistent with Male Pattern Hair Loss. This had not come as a surprise as Sunil had already told him that his father and maternal male cousins also suffered the same problem with their hair.

After discussing the finer details of the RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program, Sunil decided to go ahead with treatment. He had been concerned about his appearance and was relieved to be presented with an option that would give him peace of mind and solve his problem. His consultant had taken photos of his hair in this appointment in order for them to track his progress over the course of his program. Sunil was looking forward to seeing the contrast between these and the ones that would be taken in his first Ashley and Martin Review.

After four months of regularly taking his medication and attending fortnightly laser therapy sessions, Sunil was due for his first progress review. Comparing his current photos to the original ones, both the consultant and Sunil could see the amazing change that he had undergone in just sixteen weeks. Sunil was hoping to see further changes take place in his frontal hair line over the coming months, but he was thrilled to see the incredible changes that had already taken place.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Excited and Happy to See New Hair at his Ashley and Martin Review

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

Thinning primarily through the frontal region of his hair, Ravi* was concerned about the way his hair loss was making him look. He had tried applying an over the counter topical solution he had found at his local chemist, but the 22 year old experienced no success with this remedy. After twelve months of accelerated shedding, Ravi went online to find a hair loss specialist to help him.

After contacting Ashley and Martin online, Ravi came in to his nearest clinic to have a free consultation and find out if it were possible to regrow hair after losing it for the last year. His consultant asked him questions designed to ascertain information about the possible causes of his hair loss. Ravi did not have any undue stress impacting him at work or home and he was in good health. He did, however, have a family history of hair loss; Ravi’s father and grandfather were both bald. The consultant conducted a scalp examination to complete his picture of Ravi’s hair loss, and based on the information he had been given and the pattern of loss he was seeing, Ravi was diagnosed with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood Type IIa.

The best hair loss treatment for Ravi’s level of hair loss was a comprehensive medications program together with fortnightly laser therapy treatments. The consultant explained all the components of the program to Ravi and, after having all the questions he could think of answered, Ravi signed up for treatment. He felt quite confident in the treatment after being offered a money back guarantee on the success of his RealGROWTH® program.

Over the space of four months, Ravi’s hair underwent a dramatic increase in density. At his first Ashley and Martin Review Ravi was excited and very happy to see all the new hair in his progress photos. He could safely say his program was an overwhelming success.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Help Reverse Aggressive Hair Loss.

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Lachlan* was thrilled with the outcome of the first four months of his RealGROWTH® program. Lachlan’s ‘barely there hair’ had stopped shedding at an alarming rate and was beginning to regrow, increasing in density all over. Friends were commenting that he looked healthier, he felt happier, and there was a certain sense of freedom in not needing to wear a hat all the time.

The 49 year old had come to Ashley and Martin having experienced aggressive hair loss over the space of four years. Tired of wearing a hat every time he left the house and having heard about our company on the television, he called to book an appointment before it was too late. His grandfather was completely bald and Lachlan had had advanced loss in the front quarter of his scalp at the time of his initial appointment.

The consultant had placed this advanced hair loss at a level II on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale when she met with him. She listened to Lachlan disclose his family history of hair loss and found that although he was generally in good health, he took medication to control his blood pressure. His consultant then went on to explain how the RealGROWTH® program would work to halt his unfortunately high rate of hair fall and then establish a healthy growth cycle.

Ten months after the first meeting with his consultant, Lachlan decided to treat his hair loss. His consultant took him through all aspects of the program again to make sure he had not forgotten anything and he saw the clinic GP.

Unable to attend the clinic for laser therapy appointments, and understanding that this may impact the extent of success of the treatment, Lachlan faithfully took his medication and applied his RealGROWTH® solution. Now, four months after beginning treatment, Lachlan was delighted that he had chosen to go ahead with treatment. It had been easy to establish a routine for treatment, he had experienced a large increase in density and most excitingly this had happened with only four months of treatment.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin Staff Thrilled to See Results Happen Quickly for Client

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Javed* was insecure about the way he looked. Twenty-nine years old with the hair of what he considered to be a much older man, it had taken just two years for Javed’s hair to become so sparse. A year after this higher than natural shedding began, Javed contacted Ashley and Martin online having seen our advertising on television. The over the counter remedies he had tried using had not worked and it was time to seek professional help.

In his free consultation he told his consultant that he had a genetic predisposition to balding as his father had also lost his hair in the same way. The consultant examined Javed’s scalp, noting that his hair was receding from the frontal hair line with advanced thinning on the crown. After diagnosing Javed with Norwood level III vertex Male Pattern Hair Loss, the consultant explained how best to treat this loss.

Two options were presented to Javed as viable ways to regrow his hair, the first of which was a RealGROWTH® medications program. This would consist of prescribed medication, herbal supplements and fortnightly laser therapy treatments in the clinic. The second option was laser therapy treatments performed in home with a Lasercap several times a week. Able to attend his clinic fortnightly for laser treatments, Javed decided to opt for the treatment that encompassed both medical and Low Level Light Therapy(LLLT). He enrolled immediately and chose a time that suited him to speak to the clinic doctor to have his medication prescribed.

Shy and quietly spoken, Javed was always smiling and enjoyed chatting to the clinic staff when he attended his fortnightly laser treatments. Every time Javed walked in to the clinic the staff could see more improvement in his hair and were thrilled to see Javed progressing in his treatment so quickly.

Fifteen weeks in to his treatment, Javed had his first Ashley and Martin Review with his consultant. The difference between the photos that were taken in his first appointment compared to the ones the consultant took at his check-up was astonishing. He couldn’t believe the results had been so fast to come.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Photographic Evidence of Hair Regrowth Motivates Ashley and Martin Client

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Shaan* had found Ashley and Martin on the internet. He had been losing his hair steadily over the past four years and although none of his family members suffered from hair loss themselves, it was a family member that urged him to do something about his hair. At 31 years old, Shaan already had well established thinning from front to back; the last six months had seen this loss of density increase dramatically. When the loss accelerated and it looked as though he would be bald in the near future, Shaan started giving the idea of treatment serious consideration.

During his free consultation Shaan was given a scalp examination and his family and medical histories taken. He also discussed any current and recent stressors with his consultant. After establishing that Shaan’s hair regrowth goals could be met with Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® program, the consultant outlined what was involved and invited Shaan to ask any questions he had. All of Shaan’s questions were answered to his satisfaction and with this new information in hand, Shaan went home to think it all over.

A week later Shaan came back to the clinic having decided to give treatment a go. Shaan had his medication prescribed by the clinic hair loss doctor and booked in for his first laser treatment.

Four months into his treatment, Shaan received his first Ashley and Martin Review. His consultant took a second set of photos to compare to the ones taken in his initial consultation. Comparing these photos side by side both Shaan and his consultant could see that his hair had thickened up dramatically. Looking at the progress he had made in the photos validated the efficacy of the program to Shaan and he felt great looking at how far he had come already. Leaving the office that day Shaan felt more motivated than ever to continue to follow the program diligently having seen the photographic evidence of what it was achieving.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: RealGROWTH Routine Easy to Get Back In To For Returning Client

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

Jordan* had completed an Ashley and Martin program previously.  It had worked well for him at the time but he had chosen not to continue on with his maintenance program.   Now, two years later, genetics had begun to intervene again and Jordan was experiencing a moderate loss through his frontal and temporal areas.

This loss had been playing on his mind for eight weeks when he walked back in to Ashley and Martin to make an appointment with his consultant.  Although it had been a while and the clinic had shifted locations, all Jordan’s previous progress photos were still on file.  Meeting with his consultant, he was able to assess the true extent of the regression of the past two years for himself.  The genes he had inherited from his paternal grandfather had definitely begun to affect his hair again and his original diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss was placed at a level IV on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale at this time.

Wanting to make the changes necessary in his life to reinvent the way he saw himself, Jordan signed up for another RealGROWTH® program.  He easily slipped back in to the routine of taking his medication and attending laser therapy appointments.

Three months after restarting his treatment, Jordan’s aunt came to visit him; walking in to the room she was astounded when she saw the dramatic improvement in his hair.  Until seeing him she had been sceptical of the treatment he was undergoing. However, the easily noticeable thickening of his hair and regrowth in his frontal hair line and temples convinced her otherwise.

Over the coming months Jordan invested in new glasses and orthodonture among other changes to his appearance.  He had come to Ashley and Martin as part of his journey of self-improvement and now, six months later, he was finally at a place where he was happy with the changes he had made in his life.  His self-confidence had soared and he was approaching life with a much more self-assured manner.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client Feels Great About Decision to Treat Hair Loss with Ashley and Martin

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Aaron* was leafing through a magazine when he found out about Ashley and Martin.  He had been losing his hair for a year at the time and for the last three months seeking treatment had been playing on his mind.  Taking out his mobile while it was fresh on his mind, Aaron called Ashley and Martin to book an appointment.

Although he was concerned about his appearance, the nineteen year old had not tried any other treatment options to date.   It was a little hard to know where to start on his own.  At his initial appointment the consultant queried Aaron’s genetic ties to Male Pattern Hair Loss.  There was hardly a male in Aaron’s family that he did not list.  Aaron’s father, uncles and grandfather were all bald; he was acutely aware of what was in store for him if he did not find a way to manage his condition quickly.

The consultant conducted a scalp examination and took photos from all angles.  These would be used again at a later date to track the changes taking place throughout Aaron’s treatment.  Aaron was thinning throughout the top region and a diagnosis of type III vertex Male Pattern Hair Loss was given.  Wanting to avoid the same fate as the rest of the men in his family, Aaron signed up for the proffered RealGROWTH® medications program with fortnightly laser therapy straight away.

Four months after commencing his RealGROWTH® program, Aaron came to see his consultant for his first Ashley and Martin Review.  As soon as the consultant saw Aaron in the waiting room, he noticed the changes that had taken place and couldn’t help but comment.  Aaron smiled and said he had really noticed the difference also.  The consultant took another set of photos to assess the early successes of the program when compared to the photos taken in the first appointment. These photos confirmed the regrowth that both men could already see and Aaron said he felt great about his decision to treat his hair loss with Ashley and Martin.






*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Treatment Undoes Thirteen Years Damage in Twelve Months

Monday, September 19th, 2016

Shane* had been losing his hair for thirteen years by the time he was referred to Ashley and Martin by a friend.  The gradual shedding that had started shortly after he had turned 20 had been so subtle that he had not noticed it at first.  It was seven years before his hair loss had progressed to a stage where it was a prominent and defining feature.  Not one to make too much effort with his appearance, it surprised Shane just how insecure his thinning hair was making him feel.

Concerned about him, a family member urged Shane to contact someone regarding professional intervention.   They knew he had unsuccessfully tried several over the counter remedies in an attempt to restore his hair and was overly self-conscious about the loss.  At his friend’s suggestion Shane called Ashley and Martin.

The consultant he met with diagnosed Shane with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood type II.  Shane’s family history of hair loss and his overall good health supported this diagnosis.  The consultant offered a RealGROWTH® medical treatment plan to assist Shane to regrow the hair he had lost.  He also cautioned that it may take longer than the usual four months to see a vast increase in density.  With almost a decade and half’s worth of damage to undo, the consultant wanted Shane to be prepared for an increased wait to see his hair return.  Now 33 years old Shane was well and truly ready to treat his hair loss but went home to think it over so as to make a considered decision.

It was only a matter of weeks before Shane called the clinic to book an appointment with the in clinic doctor.  Shortly after commencing his treatment routine Shane noticed the dandruff he had suffered with his whole life had disappeared.   The next time his consultant called to check in with him, he mentioned that this scalp condition had improved.  It surprised him to hear that it was a common occurrence with the topical solution he was using for his hair loss.

After four months Shane attended the first of his Ashley and Martin Reviews.  Looking at his original photos next to the ones just taken, Shane could see the improvement but was hoping for more.  His hair was noticeably thicker, with particular advancement in the frontal hair line.  His consultant reminded him of the extended timeframe for results and Shane left, hopeful to see the expected developments in future progress reviews.

It was with renewed confidence that Shane returned for his twelve month review.  And he was ecstatic with the amount hair he had regained.  Thirteen years damage had been undone in twelve months.






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